Will all the problems created by the politicians in the US and Europe be solved soon? Or will all these problems surface in 2012 and create the mother of all recessions? Every lie will have to be covered up with more lies, there will come a time where all the lies will surface and let the world have a major reset to the economy. Look at the crisis in Greece, Ireland, Spain, Italy and Portugal. Look at all the protest going on in all the major stock exchanges. Look at all the violence in the Middle East. Are you prepared for something major happening next year?
Can you see that there are many corporations getting ready to retrench their staffs.
I want to tell you that you have 2 choices; 1 to look at it and see danger or 2 to see opportunities. Many people will want to bury their head, like an ostrich, hoping that nothing will happen to them. Like it or not, there will be a ripple effect. Everyone will be affected, some positively and some negatively. The best thing to do is to be prepared, be prepared mentally and psycologically. If you are holding a job, my advise is to go and educate yourself on how to start a business. With that skill, you will always have a choice.
Personally I can see the mother of all opportunities presenting itself next year. I look forward to add more value to more people by teaching them the skills of selecting the right business at the right time and doing it right. There will be plenty of opportunities in the stock market. I am glad I have also educated myself in this field.
My advice is, invest in yourself by educating yourself on wealth creation, which will give yourself lots of options to take advantage of a crisis. Next year will be a year where you will see the biggest transfer of wealth in history. I hope you will have the skills, knowledge and experience to make yourself one of the beneficiary.
thanks for the knowledge shared~
http://www.lonelyreload.com (A Growing Teenager Diary) ..