Be an expert in what you love to do. All you have to do is spent about 3 hours a day researching and improving your skills in what you love to do and in 9 years, you will be an international expert. If you want to do it in 4 and a half years, just spent 6 hours a day consistently.
My goal was to be financially free and to teach people on how to do that when I was a bankrupt. I invested on lots of books and seminars over the last 10 years and learned from people like Robert Allen, Robert Kiyosaki, Anthony Robbins and many others. In fact, I have invested more than $200,000 learning from all these gurus. Whats my ROI (return on investment)? I have since generated more than $20 million and still counting. "If you think Education is Expensive, Try Ignorance!"
I am still teaching people how to be financially free via our 2 programs in Singapore; Entrepreneur Action Program and Property Investment Program. To find out more and to attend our free seminar, please visit
In order to learn, you need to have an open mind.Unfortunately, most people's ego are too big to want to change and learn from other people. I always stay away from such people, and if they were to argue with me that it doesn't pay to learn from all this gurus, I will just ask them to look at their results, because results don't lie. So if you don't have the money or the time, start looking at doing things differently. It starts with having an open mind to learn from other successful people. Anyway, I want to acknowledge you for having an open mind, otherwise you wouldn't be reading this right?
We will talk about Responsibility next week.