$1 x 1,000,000 transactions
$10 x 100,000 transactions
$100 x 10,000 transactions
$1000 x 1,000 transactions
$10,000 x 100 transactions
$100,000 x 10 transactions
$1,000,000 x 1 transaction
The above is a simple chart to show you how to make your first million. You have to know how much are you making per transaction. If you are working for people and paid $5,000 per month, you will need to work for 200 months or about 16 and a half years to make your first million.
One of the fastest way to make your million is to start a business. This is where you leverage on a team and system to help you reach your goals faster. Why? It is better to make 1% out of 100 people's effort than to make 100% from your own effort.
Before you go sack your boss and start your business, may I strongly suggest that you go and educate yourself on how to start a successful business. It is always better to learn from other people's mistakes than your own mistakes.
My company runs a business training program call Entrepreneur Action Program and these are what you will learn;
How to start your business with little or no money.
How to negotiate for free rentals
How to sell anything to anyone, at anytime
How to generate at least 1,000% percent ROI on your marketing dollars
How to lead a successful team and create a money making system
Do call my team at +6562210090 to reserve your seats for a 2 hours FREE seminar
Next week I will share with you a simple concept to create your own niche.