Most people have the DESIRE to be rich and they even BELIEVE that they can be rich but they don't have the SELF-ACCEPTANCE to be rich. Why? most likely because they are holding on to guilt, resentment and unforgiveness.
Let's face it all of us have ever tell a lie or did something that is not right. Yes? If you don't agree, then you are lying. I must admit that I have done some naugthy things in life too, even now, like showing the middle finger to some obnoxious drivers. Then I say hey, I shouldn't be doing that but the key here is to learn to forgive yourself and let go of the guilt. Sometimes we even resent the other driver for making us do it. This is also call lay blame and if you hold on to it, you will lose your power and continue to feel angry and unhappy throughtout the journey. Worst still, you will attract even more unpleasant things if you continue to hold on to it. Do you agree with me that the person who let go the fastest, is a happier person.
One of our goal in life is to be happy, isn't it? Then why are there so many people who are not willing to let go of their bad experiences in the past? If you have them, let go of them now by acknowledging what had happened, forgive the people that you have resented and release the guilt in you. Don't you feel lighter now?
With these out of the way, we will talk about managing your finance next.