Where do you think people get their ego from? It is from their past experiences and past programing.
We have all been programmed or wired in one way or another. We have been influenced by our parents, teachers, friends, government, culture, advertisement and many others. The thing is that we choose to accept what we want to accept, we keep what we want to keep, we believe what we want to believe. There is no right or wrong, just what serve you and what don't. There is no argument here, just look at your results, if they are not serving you well, then you know that you need to change something.
You need to look deep into what you believe in. It is your beliefs that determine your mindset and attitude, which determine your actions and behavior, which will determine your results.
When I say look deep into your beliefs, I really mean look into your subconcious. If you use the term "filthy rich" very often, then subconciously, your beliefs will be that, you will need to be filthy to be rich. With this belief, you will not take the necessary action needed to be rich, even if it is moral, ethical and legal. So never use the term filthy rich again.
Another belief that stop people from becoming successful is about making mistakes. When you were in school, did they reward you or punish you when you make a mistake? It is because they punish you for making mistakes that many people had been programmed not to make mistakes in life. The reason why I am successful is because I made more mistakes than most people and I am not afraid to make mistakes anymore. The reason is because I put into my subconcious mind that "Failures are the seeds of success" "There is no losing experience, only learning experience"
Have I ever loss money in doing business? You bet I have, and many times, but overall with the many learning experiences that I have, I made back even more money, many times more. From the learning experiences, I learned who to work with, who not to work with, who to hire, where to network, how to negotiate, how to sell and many other skills that I acquired along the way.
Have you ever feel uncomfortable talking to strangers? Why? because most of us have been programmed when we were young "Don't talk to strangers" by our parents. Be aware that you are no more a child but an adult and you will need to learn how to socialise network with the right group of people.
The next thing you need to do is to clear the resentments, guilt and unforgiveness in your subconcious. We will talk about that next week