Method number 2; Joint venture
Find partners that are willing to pay for the deposit and you take up the loan from the bank. Here's an example; property priced at $1,000,000, partner's cash deposit of 20% - $200,000, your bank loan is $800,000. So you don't pay any cash upfront.
Your questions will be; where do I find such partners? You see, there will be people with cash but are not able to take up a loan because of their age or they have already maximised their loans limit or for whatever the reason. These people could be your friends or relatives or people from your network. A good place to network is to come to our property investment seminar. This is where you will find many like-minded people who understand about property investment. You will also need to have a proper legal agreement to do that. I have done many such deals with partners and made infinity returns on my zero dollar investment.
Knowing what to buy, where to buy, how to buy and who to buy from is also very important in property investment.
More method next week