My apologies for the late posting for this week. Was in Guangzhou, China, and did not know that you can't access to Facebook or Blog.
One of the most important skill that you need to have to be rich is 'selling skills' When I talk about selling, I am not referring to hard selling but rather heart selling. The first step is to find out what your prospect want or need. You can only do that by asking the right questions. Sell only when the prospect has a want or a need that you can provide.
Your job is to solve their problems and not to make them solve your problem. I realised that a lot of sales people sell because they want to make the commissions to pay their bills and therefore make their prospects solve their problems.
Selling is also a numbers game, you can't sell to everyone because if Jesus cannot do it, if Mohammed cannot do it, if Buddha cannot do it, why do you want to even try? Always remember that not everyone will need or want your products. You just need to go for the numbers and don't be afraid of rejections. Always remember that they are not rejecting you but rather your service or products.
Selling is also required if you are looking for an investor for your idea, convincing an employee to work for you, asking a supplier to give you goods on consignment or on credit terms. Even if you are looking for a job, you will need to sell to your would be employer why they need to hire you.
Whether you like it or not, you are selling everyday, even asking someone to accompany you for dinner or asking your child to take his or her meal. Since you need to sell everyday, may as well be very good at it. I suggest that you polish that skill by reading up or attending some seminars on sales training. I would like to recommend 2 books to you; "How to win friends and influence people" by Dale Carnegie and "Questions are the Answers" by Allan Pease.
See u next week