When you believe in something that you must do, deep down in your heart, then I say follow your heart without fear. Most importantly, it has got to be something that add value to others and not just for monetary gains. Don't worry, when you add value to others, the money will come, in the nick of time, always in the nick of time. I have experience this many times. When I need money, I just have to go out there and add value to others and the money will come in at the time when I need it the most. So, if you want to make a lot of money, you just have to add a lot of value to a lot of people.
Just look at all the masters in different fields, they have a passion and a heart for what they do. They love what they do and they do it really well. They do it again and again and see their money pouring in. Unfortunately, many of them go broke because of money mismanagement or could not manage their emotions. One example is Michael Jackson; he is a master of entertainment, make lots of money but could not manage his money and emotions. He died because he lost his spirit to do what he loves.
Majority of people work for money and not doing what they love. They are using their head and not their heart. I love what I do and I have no intention to retire at all. I want to do what I love, for as long as the higher power permits. What I do brings joy to my heart and I want to follow my heart. I hope you will be able to find something that you love to do, worth doing and add value to humanity.
Have an awesome day!