The highest form of Leverage is Education! If you are not leveraging, you are working way too hard!
Ever wonder why people are not willing to learn or to change? EGO! Let me tell you this; "Keeping your Ego, as a pet, is the most tiring and expensive hobby"
It amazes me why people are not willing to pay for education that can enhance the quality of their lives?? Do you need to get educated? The answer is simple, just ask yourself, are you happy with your current results? If you are not, then stop doing what you have always been doing and start doing something different. It is insanity to be doing the same thing and expecting a different result. Go and learn different skills, different way of looking at things and how to be more creative.
You see, if you know only 4 letters in the alphabets, ABC and D. The number of words you can form from these letters is very limited. It is the same with making money, if the only way you know how to make money is to work and get a salary, then your income is limited. I have at least a hundred ways to make money, that is why my income is unlimited.
We are very blessed to be living in this age because we have so many gurus, teachers and mentors who are willing to share their life's experiences for a small fee of $2,000 to $20,000. I said "small fee" because investing in education is a lot cheaper than learning from your own mistakes. It cost me more than half a million dollars, wasted time and opportunity cost learning from my own experience. "If you think education is expensive, try ignorance."
Together with my business partner, Wendy Kwek, we have invested more than $200,000 each educating ourselves in the area of personal development, finance, property investment, internet marketing, value investing and many others. We have since made more than 100 times return on our investment and it is still growing. We are now making a lot more money than we can spend. This is why I am living on Wealthfare.
If you want to be rich and happy, do yourself a favour, get rid of your pet EGO. The biggest obstacle to learning is EGO.
Next week we will talk more about the EGO and why it is stopping people from becoming successful.