Ever wonder why there are more negative people than positive people in this world? And why are there more poor people?
It's got to do with what goes into the head. Remember, your thoughts shape your destiny. Thought=Word=Action=Habits=Character=Destiny. Gabbage in, gabbage out, it's that simple. Take note of what have you been feeding yourself mentally. Stop reading or watching the news. Am I right to say that most of them are negative news? Tsunami, Economy crisis, Rape, Robbery and you name it. Because of all these, I decided to spend very little time reading the newspaper nor watch TV.
It amazes me when everytime I present an opportunity, most people will point to me all the negative things that can happen and tell me the impossible. I am glad I chose not to listen to them, otherwise I would not be where I am today. If you want to be successful, to be a multi-millionaire or billionaire, start changing your thoughts, your reality box. I said multi-millionaire or billionaire because I want to help you change your reality. I want you to know that to be a millionaire it is no longer enough. Why? because whenever I ask people in Singapore, whether a million dollars is enough to have a comfortable retirement in Singapore, most of them says no. Some of you will have this question; why so greedy? (that's a negative thought by the way) I want to share with you this, it is not the money, it is the character you built along the journey. In order for you to be a sustainable multi-millionaire or more, you would have to build trust, add enough value to enough people, have integrity, grown and contributed to society, the list goes on.
Change your reality box; "Impossible is I'm possible"
I will share with you why entrepreneurs make more money next week.