When emotions are high, intelligent is low. Ever said something to someone and regret it later? I have, in fact, many times. Mind you, I am not a saint, I am as human as anyone else.
This is easier said than done, personally, I will always be aware of this and do my best to control my emotions. Emotions will be high, especially, when you have been accused of doing something that is not true, at least to you. Sometimes, love will also cause you to be emotional, watch that feeling and be aware too. Ever heard of crime of passion? This happens when emotion is very high and intelligent very low.
One of the keys that I learned from the book, "The four agreements" is "Don't take it personally" Everybody has their own sets of experience and beliefs. Learn to respect their beliefs. Religions and cultures causes many blood sheds because of intolerant and disrespect for other people's beliefs.
Control your emotions and live and let live.