Thursday, September 29, 2011

Step 45; For things to change, first I must change.

There is a song by Michael Jackson, Man in the mirror. It talks about if you want to change the world, first change the man in the mirror. Isn't it true that whatever that happens in your life, there is only one common factor, and that is YOU! Unfortunately, most people cannot see that and will always be blaming someone else for any results that they don't like.

The key here is to manage your EGO, your ego can cost you a lot in life. It can cost you your business, money and relationships. A sudden burst in temper can result in something drastic or not admitting your mistakes and repent will attract a lot of critism and sticks from people. "Mistakes are sins when not admitted" To be honest, this is easier said than done. I have personally lost my temper many times, screw up many times and make many mistakes in life. I just have to look back, acknowledge those mistakes, take personal responsibility and move on.

I would also need release all the hurts, resentment and unforgiveness that is inside my being. Some of the programs that help me to do that are, Money & You, Enlightened Warrior and Date with Destiny. I also consult John Stamoulos for breathworks, Heiko and Selina for releasing work. It is important to have an outlet to release your anger, so that you don't create an eruption suddenly.